Lydia María de Tienda Palop

Lydia de Tienda is Assistant Professor at the Complutense University. Her research focuses mainly on the field of Moral Philosophy, Theories of Justice and Applied Ethics. Specifically, she works on issues related to the connections between emotions and moral values, the epistemological status of emotions, new conceptions of human development, theories that incorporate the ecological dimension and interculturality and issues of justice for particularly vulnerable groups. In July 2016, she joined the Department of Philosophy of the University of Valencia through a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación research contract that allowed her to continue developing her own line of research, delving into the role that emotions play in the theories of contemporary justice and their possibilities and into the limits for the inclusion of certain especially vulnerable groups. In particular, she has been analysing the moral emotion of compassion in relation to the category of reciprocal recognition as the basis of a theory of justice that can be inclusive. She has also been a postdoctoral researcher under the JSPS Program at the University of Hokkaido, in the Department of Philosophy. She has a degree in Law and Philosophy and a doctorate in Philosophy (after obtaining an FPU fellowship). She has conducted research stays in Oxford and Japan and given talks at conferences and seminars organized by the Universities of Capetown, Tübingen, Kyoto, Trento, Tokyo, Oxford, Complutense and Valencia, among others. Her publications include "The role of emotions and literature in public deliberation" published in Arbor; "How to evaluate Justice?", published in Applied Ethics, Old wines in new bottles?; "Measuring Nussbaum's Capabilities list", in The Capabilities Approach on Social Order; "The plural notion of the subject of justice", in Daimon, and "The mission of the university today: an intercultural education", published in El Ciudadano Democrático.