Research Projects

CULIVIAN Research Group


“Animal ethics in literature: proposals and explorations of new teaching methodologies”

Reference: 27229341

Funding institution: Vicerrectorado de Formación Permanente, Transformación Docente y Ocupación at the University of Valencia. TEACHING INNOVATION PROJECT.

Coordinator: Claudia Alonso Recarte

Members: Margarita Carretero-González, Ana Fernández-Caparrós Turina, María Teresa Lajoinie Domínguez, Laura Monrós Gaspar, Jaume Peris Blanes, Ignacio Ramos Gay, Miguel Teruel Pozas, Jesús Tronch Pérez, Betlem Pallardó Azorín

Duration: 2023-2024 academic year

Summary: The project aims to create a space in which to work, at a theoretical and at a practical level, on methodologies related to the teaching of animal ethics in the fields of literature in English, French and Spanish. As such, it aims to respond to the growing concerns surrounding the animal question, animal welfare and animal rights that have permeated European and Spanish citizenship in recent years. The team will establish a corpus of readings and will design didactic methods that will reflect the contents, results and competences of the degree subjects at hand, at the same time that they will attempt to educate about animal ethics issues. We aim to take these methodological proposals to practical spaces of dialogue and debate so as to contribute to the increasing sensitization and awareness of the material and ethical treatment of nonhuman animals. The efficiency of these proposals as instruments of consciousness raising will be assessed by the students. In addition, the project is conceived as an initial study of a very specific nature (especially due to its exclusive focus on literature) on the exploration, evaluation and integration of teaching methods associated with core values in animal ethics. At a later stage, the project would become an integral part of a greater interdisciplinary project that would seek to analyze the efficiency and improve the quality of the teaching of animal ethics in multiple other disciplines in the fields of the humanities, sciences and social sciences.

“Representations of masculinities in animal advocacy documentaries in English (2000-2021)”

Reference: CIGE/2021/100

Funding dedicated to the research of emerging research groups.
Funding institution: Conselleria d'Educació, Universitats i Ocupació (former Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital) – Generalitat Valenciana

PI: Claudia Alonso Recarte
Members: Margarita Carretero-González, Brett Mills, María Teresa Lajoinie

Summary: The project seeks to contribute to the field of Critical Animal Studies by examining its intersectionality with Gender Studies and Masculinity Studies within a specific corpus: documentaries that focus on animal rights or animal welfare issues. Given the increasing popularity of both this filmic genre (in great part thanks to streaming services and platforms) and the “animal question” in the twenty-first century, the project seeks to examine how discourses about (new) masculinities and other gender identities are articulated, imbricated, or (re)constructed in narratives that fall within the category of animal advocacy, and how they inform the games of legitimacy, authority and authenticity that are so central to the documentary as a genre.

Some topics of research include:

  • The representation of men and different masculinities in these types of documentaries, with a particular focus on the representation of the body in connection to vegetarianism and veganism, on the narrativization of human masculinity in discourses of extinction, on the influence of representations of homosexuality and queer identities, and on the influence of the cultural perception of the activist as “radical” or as a “terrorist”.
  • The relation between the representation of nonhuman animals, sex, gender and gender roles, and how such categories may determine ethological findings that at the same time affect activist discourses.
  • The application of the most recent theories in the field of Masculinity Studies and the more consolidated ecofeminist theories in these types of documentaries, and how they may influence the audiovisual representation of animal exploitation industries and practices.