LinWei Yan

LinWei Yan holds a Master’s Degree in Advanced English Studies from the University of Valencia, Spain. She is currently pursuing a PhD in the Doctoral Programme in “Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and its Applications” at the same institution. As an international student cultivated and raised in a distinct cultural background, she chose to focus her master's thesis on critically analyzing how the documentary The Cove represents Anglophone storytelling within an Eastern context. This allowed her to explore how animal conservation discourse is conveyed and interpreted differently across various cultures. Consequently, her current research focuses on the representation of marine animals in ocean-themed science fiction films, as well as the narrative distinctions between Western and Eastern films. Her aim is to examine how CGI animals align with or diverge from their cultural context in film globalization and post-colonial discourse. Additionally, her PhD thesis encompasses the depiction of animal antagonists and biocentric narration. In order to conduct comprehensive research, she is interested in animal studies, science fiction film studies, postcolonial studies, and mythology studies.