Estel Aguilar Miró

Estel Aguilar Miró has a degree in Catalan Philology (2014) and a degree in Modern Languages —major in French— (2019) from the University of Valencia. She holds a doctorate from the same university and from the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, with a thesis defended in 2022 under the title La poesia nord-catalana entre 1883 i mitjan segle XX: El tractament del paisatge i de la natura (The Poetry of Northern Catalonia between 1883 and the Mid-20th Century. The Treatment of Landscape and Nature). Currently, she is Assistant Professor in the Department of French Philology at the University of Zaragoza. She has taught language and literature subjects in Modern Languages degrees (French major), and she has participated in national and international conferences. She is the author of papers published in national and international journals, as well as in leading international publishers. Her main lines of research are the treatment of natural space in literary and cultural texts, ecocritical analysis under a posthuman approach, and gender and animal studies. Regarding the latter, she is interested in how the sense of animality helps to apprehend the world from a broader perspective, beyond human parameters. Indeed, the analysis of the narrative or rhetorical processes that approach the literary text from an animal point of view allows us to understand how our existence – human or non-human – is found in a horizontal network of entities. Likewise, this approach entails questioning the anthropocentrism and the binarisms that occupy reality (humanimality/otherness; human/animal; masculine/feminine; culture/nature). The interest in numerous examples of Catalan literature –Irene Solà, Maria Cabrera–, Francophone literature –Hélène Cixous, Mireille Gagné–, or Spanish literature –Maria Sánchez–, among other literatures and other examples, informs all these questions.