ONLINE LECTURE: Catia Faria (Universidad Complutense de Madrid / UPF Centre for Animal Ethics)

"Género y no interferencia: narrativas documentales sobre la vida silvestre"
ONLINE LECTURE: Catia Faria (Universidad Complutense de Madrid / UPF Centre for Animal Ethics)
Start: 12/13/24 10:00 AM
End: 12/13/24 11:30 AM


This talk is part of the research project "The Ethics and Aesthetics of Animal Advocacy Film in Twenty-first-century Western Cultures" (CIAICO/2023/046), granted by the Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura, Universitats I Ocupació (Generalitat Valenciana). The talk will be held in Spanish.

Free access to all attendees:


ID de reunión: 925 8860 9057

Código de acceso: 545384