Animal Advocacy Documentaries - Film Cycle

Cines Babel (Calle Vicente Sancho Tello 10, Valencia)
Animal Advocacy Documentaries - Film Cycle
Start: 2/16/23 7:00 PM
End: 3/30/23 8:30 PM


Financed by the Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital (Generalitat Valenciana) and as part of the CIGE/2021/100 Research Project, CULIVIAN organizes a film cycle at the Cines Babel in Valencia on Animal Advocacy Documentaries. Six documentaries will be screened throughout six weeks, with the aim of creating a space in which to debate about multiple issues surrounding animal ethics, animal rights and/or animal welfare, and how such issues are narratively and technically shaped into the documentary genre. The films will be presented by experts in the field, who will, after the screening, invite the audience to discuss the documentary. For more details, please see our program.